You are currently browsing the monthly archive for October 2012.

Top 6
I. Pastor, Wisdom (15)
II. Knowledge, Hospitality, Leadership, Intercession. (14)

After a roughly 6 month hiatus, I am back…with one word: Skinny-dipping.

The word actually means nothing to me, besides the fact that I have done it before and probably will again sometime in the future, but these past six months have been turbulent and been some of the most challenging  and best times of my life.

I leave it to Macklemore to conclude for me:

“This is your life, you can’t escape this bitch when it’s hard. Just know that it passes, but you’ll collect scars- They never go away, but they will make you who you are. This is a beautiful struggle…”

au revoir à l’été de l’amour