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Million Dollar Smile…

That’s what they used to call me. I never really understood why. I won’t go so far as to say that I have a horrible smile, but really? A Million Dollars? Perhaps I grew out of it. I don’t get it as often now, and more than my smile, people will usually comment on my laugh which tends to follow.

So I’ve been thinking about it, and I’m curious, what makes a good smile? Is it pearly white teeth? Is it the size of and the way we part our lips? Is it the size and spacing of our teeth?

But, even beyond that…

What makes a smile true and genuine? The kind of smile which lights up the room with warmth and love and mirth.

I even tried an experiment after being told that I could get away with anything with my smile:

Hypothesis: I can get away with anything with my smile.
Test Subject: Lisa Cho.
Environment: Eunice Paek’s Birthday Party.
Objective: Kick her in the shins and offer nothing other than a smile.
Results: She questioned me and then “laughed it off.”
Conclusion: Okay, so the experiment failed and did not nor could it have proved anything. Except that getting kicked in the shins hurts. It was a stupid experiment I shouldn’t have gotten myself into. And so, I would like to apologize to the scientific method for this travesty.

Por lo tanto, after thinking about it, I’ve come to realize that the truth and the genuineness of a smile was never in our lips or in our teeth – but in our eyes. There is an inexplicable way in which our eyes luminate when our smile is truly from the heart.

How ironic that all this time the secret to our smile was never in our mouths but in our eyes. Look carefully the next time you see someone smiling and observe their eyes: does their smile stop at their buccinator muscles or does it extend up to the orbicularis oculi muscles?

This kind of smile, the ones like a contagious and mood-lifting wildfire, the ones that make the eyes sparkle – those are the kinds of smiles that can change your day. And I bet you that when Jesus smiled, his whole face would light up like the sun. I can’t wait to see it.

Soli Deo gloria


PS. I would also like to apologize to Lisa, I really don’t go around kicking people for fun.

The following is an excerpt from 1/8/08:
(I think I wrote it at 3 in the morning so, yeah)
“May I speak of beauty? The most beautiful thing I have ever seen this break. It was not a woman radiating the beauty of the Lord. Picture this, an old man wizened with age, scarred by the tales and miseries of ages past. Experience in his eyes, and his better half taken to a land he has seen through faith alone. Sitting about him, his children gathered, for the first time in decades. His wife gone before him, death waiting patiently outside the door, uninvited, yet not unwelcome till such a time as the Lord shall call him home. And gathered in this place singing songs of praise to God. Knowing full well that this will be the last time all his children shall be gathered in this life. And finding no better fellowship than to worship God. We should have stopped 6 songs ago, but within the beauty of this moment, we are all too captivated to let it go just yet. There were 16 seconds left.
Soli deo gloria”
Fix your eyes on Jesus. Set your heart on things above.

In Spanish, when a woman gives birth, they call it “dar la luz.” Literally, “give the light.”

Poetic, in a sense, isn’ t it?

Well, I’ve finally decided to open up a blog, for no reason in particular, and I hope to be able to be able keep in touch, share struggles and insights, and shine the light.

In a way this is my baby, a tangible part of myself I’m pouring out into the openness of the public (light). But, more than the exposure of my thoughts, dreams, and insights to the light, through this blog I want to shine the light to the world.

14You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. 15Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.”  -Matthew 5:14-16

Soli Deo gloria